Sleep like a child

​Personalize your sleep

As children, we were in bliss, but as we grew up, that changed.
Our lifestyle led to loneliness, anxiety, stress, work pressure, excessive screen time, and chronic illness. These factors impacted our sleep and adversely affected our mental health.

Health is a gift of nature. 

Learn to reclaim it.

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Insomnia (25.7%)
Sleep Apnea (11%)
Hypersomnia (19.6%)
RLS (10%)

With Saanjh,

Restore your sleep 
​and mental health.

With Saanjh, Restore your sleep and mental health. Learn to diagnose, prevent and cure any form of sleeplessness such as sleep apnea, insomnia, circadian sleep disorder, RLS etc

Sleep is Prevention 
​and Sleep is Cure.

Before anything goes wrong in our lives, 
our sleep is disturbed, and  our dreams become distorted.

Three early signs of unhealthy sleep: 

Do you wake up thinking about tasks that need to be done?

Do you wake up with lingering emotions from the past?

Are your dreams strange, fragmented, and unrelated?


Science of Mental Health based on Yog Sutra

Our mental health model is based on YOG SUTRA of Maharishi Patanjali. The mental health model is developed decoding intricate relationship of the 4 components:
  • Mann: Desire - Expression of Spirit
  • Chitt: Pravarti (Tendency- Layers of subconscious leading to collective unconscious) 
  • Buddhi: Innate Wisdom
  • Ahankar: Mind, Ego
Key Outcome: 
  • Diagnosis: Relatable and accurate.
  • Prevention: Awareness (of root cause) enables transformation.
  • Cure: Breathing technique derived from Science of Pranayam.
The Difference: 
  • Psychiatry only deals with Ahankar while we deal with all 4 components of the Mind. 
  • Psychiatry works on managing disorders, we help you work at root cause level to cure it.

Three Attributes of Child like Sleep 

- Regenerative Sleep

When you wake up, if you feel a sense of wonder, 
​mystery, hope, or faith in the first few moments, 
​that indicates you have experienced 
​regenerative sleep. 

You wake up feeling more hopeful than
you did yesterday.

You gain wisdom or insight either through a dream 
or upon waking up or you feel guided through the day.

How to sleep like a child again? 

3 Step process

Self Diagnosis

Our symptoms of sleeplessness, such as insomnia, anxiety, loneliness, or apnea, are common, but our inner process to arrive at our symptoms is unique. Awareness of our "inner process" leads to personalization of sleep. Hence, learn to personalize your sleep to sleep like a child again. 

Self Prevention

Go to bed 18 minutes before your usual time. This is all it takes to get sleep like a child again within days. 

Self Cure

Our ancestors lived healthy due to their ability to attain regenerative sleep by aligning with nature. Regenerative sleep occurs when our breathing rate reaches 8b/m during the non-REM stage of sleep. Without changing your lifestyle or habits, you can attain this, too. 

Choose your sleep treatment program based on the severity of your suffering 


One year DIY program - Self-explanatory web series help you diagnose, prevent and cure your sleeplessness. 

  • Subscription to Saanjh web series- 42 episodes. 
  • Support in Forum – get all your queries resolved by our trained teachers. 
  • Free supporting resources as updates in the program. 
  • Deep diagnostics test to become aware of root cause.
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One year assisted program: supported by our trained teachers 

  • Subscription to Saanjh web series- 42 episodes. 
  • Support in Forum – get all your queries resolved by our trained teachers.
  • Free supporting resources as updates in the program.
  • Deep diagnostics test to become aware of root cause.
  • Subscription to Mental health courseware 
  • 6 interventions for personal attention in a small group, led by our teachers.
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One-year personalized program – your treatment would be carved as per your needs

  • Subscription to Chronic program - movement from severe to chronic conditions.
  • Assessments of your needs by our trained teachers.
  • Recommendations during interventions based on your severity. Teachers will work out your personalized plan, if required, after you have restored regenerative sleep. 
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Our Track record 

Who we are

At Saanjh, we are dedicated to helping you restore your Sleep and Mental health with our vast experience of working with several thousands of cases.



years of research






hours of digital content for self-cure



Improved outcomes



Types of sleeplessness?

Immaterial in our line of treatment. In 14 years, we have addressed all kind of sleeplessness cases, and we categorize them in 3 categories

  1. Intrinsic sleeplessness issue with students and working professionals- Category Mild
  2. Chronic sleeplessness- clinically declared cases of mental disorders- category- chronic
  3. Severe cases of chronic disease, deep distress. -category-severe

What are the different kinds of sleeplessness?

In the last 14 years, we have addressed all kind of sleeplessness and restored people’s mental health. We categorize them in 3 categories
  1. Students & Working Professionals – Anxiety, Hypertension, Stress, Traumas, Loneliness are common Symptoms. Category - MILD
  2. Chronic sleeplessness- clinically declared cases of depression, Insomnia, Apnea and Others. Category - Chronic
  3. Extreme Case – Deep Stress, Chronic Disease, OCD, Schizophrenia
Why Personalized sleep?

Unique inner process

Symptom of sleepless is common for all. No regenerative sleep. You may say it is due to anxiety, loneliness, hypertension, stress etc. But your inner process to arrive at this state is unique to you.
There is a unique process behind any kind of sleeplessness. The symptoms of sleeplessness may be common i.e. no regenerative sleep, anxiety, loneliness, hypertension, stress etc. But the journey to arrive at this state of suffering is unique to you. Therefore, called “unique inner process”.

What is inner process

Inner process is formed by belief | belief is formed due to hopelessness | hopelessness is generated from an event | your event is unique and even in a common event, your impression is unique | hence it charts a unique journey for each one of us.

When does Inner process gets activated

It is functioning all the time. It is like your shadow. But it begins to get active at Saanjh (Dusk) and begins to amplify symptoms causing sleeplessness.
It is continuously functioning 24*7. It is like your shadow. But it begins to activate at Saanjh (Dusk) and amplifies the symptoms causing sleeplessness at night.